J.S. Gissel & Co. – Houston

8201 E. Erath St. – Houston TX (built 1951; architect: Roy W. Leibsle; currently Buffalo Marine Services)


J.S. Gissel & Co., a marine bunkering/delivery company, was established in 1935 and later changed to Buffalo Marine Services which was a division of Gissel. In 1959-1960 the company was involved in the tragic explosion of the SS Amoco Virginia on Buffalo Bayou (as described in this report: http://ncsp.tamu.edu/reports/USCG/amocovirginia.pdf).
More on the company and its history here:


From Houston Magazine, 1951:


It is located on the corner of Erath and Frio streets in the vicinity of Brady Island, on the property adjacent to a tributary of the Houston Ship Channel. The modern building is equipped with year-round air-conditioning and will cost approximately $70,000.



8201 E. Erath St. - Houston TX

8201 E. Erath St. - Houston TX