7539 Cayton St. – Houston TX (architect: Joseph B. Reynolds)
From an advertisement for the 1956 Houston Parade of Homes brochure (thanks to GlenbrookValley.com):
If you can’t make up your mind whether you prefer traditional or modern type of construction, then the ‘Beverly Hills Home’ is a home that will appeal to you … The cleverly contrived manner in which the two types of styling are combined is evidenced in a number of rooms. The living-dining-kitchen area, for example, has all the openness of an ultra-modern home, yet each area is ‘defined,’ just as in the traditional home. This effect is gained through the use of a brick wall, which separates the kitchen from the living room area, and an accordion type folding door, the Spacemaster, which sets off the dining area to itself.
The Beverly Hills was demolished by its owner in 2003/2004.